A toy chicken named ”Hen”

ESN Jyväskylä is a local section of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Finland of Jyväskylä University. We are a non-profit student organisation that provides quality free-time activities for all internationally-minded students and in Jyväskylä. ESN JYY Jyväskylä was founded in 1997 but became independent and changed name for ESN Jyväskylä in 2012. ESN Jyväskylä mascot is the Hen, as you can see this lovely picture of her.

Who are we for?

Any student who wants an international company! We want to facilitate all intercultural communication in our University and in Jyväskylä!

  • Homecoming students
    The students who are returning from exchange are being supported in the reintegration process in their home countries by helping them keep in contact with an international environment. Many local sections are set up by former exchange students, often because they have had good experiences during their exchange period or because they felt a lack of help during their exchange. They also understand better the issues and challenges of a foreign environment.
  • Exchange students
    Current exchange students often face problems (and feel abandoned) in their new environments. Therefore ESN offers help in the academic, social, and practical integration process. This is mainly done through activities which include cultural and social events such as trips, movie nights, language groups etc., and last but not least, parties.
  • International degree students
    At the University of Jyväskylä, we also have many students who stay here for a longer period to get a degree. For them, ESN Jyväskylä offers an environment to meet locals AND also other foreigners.
  • Finnish students
    Any Finnish students who are interested to participate in an international atmosphere can join us!