Hello everyone!
Welcome back old & new students, it is time for the first Cafe Lingua of the semester! So come to meet and make friends while enjoying a cup of coffee and speaking in languages!

For those who are not familiar with the concept; Cafe Lingua is a monthly organized language cafe where you can practise your language skills in an informal setting by talking to natives. There will be language tables and your task is to pick one language and sit at that table (of course you can also switch from language to language if you're multitalented ;). The Cafe is open for everyone and there is no fee for entrance. If you still aren't quite sure what Cafe Lingua is about, come and see it yourself or feel free to ask whatever comes to your mind!

At Cafe Lingua you'll have the opportunity to get your ESN overalls! The price is 27€ with ESNcard and 30€ without. Of course you can also get ESN patches with your overalls!

We will also sell ESNcards & Welcome Bags there, in case you still want to get yours!

18/01/2016 - 18:00 to 19/01/2016 - 17:45