Have you been patiently waiting for an occasion to wear lederhosen, a sombrero, a beret or all of the above for a night out? Always felt like you'd just want to dress up as a pizza, a pasta plate or a pint of beer? The ESN Jyväskylä team feels your pain and wants to give you a chance to embrace the clichés!

Cultural stereotypes go BRA!

So put together a costume representing any cultural stereotype of a country of your choice, take all of your new friends and your ESNcard with you and come running to Bra on Thursday!

Your efforts won't go unrecognized, AS THE THREE BEST COSTUMES WILL BE REWARDED!

(Notice that this semester we are NOT giving a free trip as a reward like we did last semester!)

WHAT: Cultural Stereotypes Theme Party
WHERE: Bar Bra, Kauppakatu 35
WHEN: Thursday 11.02. at 23:00
HOW MUCH: 2€ with ESNcard / 5€ without ESNcard
DRESS CODE: Cultural stereotypes - go crazy!
WHY: Because it's fun and we love dressing up in awesome costumes!

11/02/2016 - 23:00 to 12/02/2016 - 22:45