(In Finnish below)
ESN Jyväskylä joins forces with YK (the United Linguists) to get ready for Vappu in the form of a sitsfest! There are certain rules when it comes to sitsfest, and one of them is you should dress according to a theme, so wear your favorite color! You can also wear your student overalls if you have them, because that goes well together with the Vappu theme of the party.
Sign-up for ESN MEMBERS (YK has a different form): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AH64mCs4uzeMSYRCKuaO-zIx4ZIK4lVyWuu7H6u...
The sign-up closes on Monday at 12:00, but there's a limited amount of spots, so be fast!
WHAT: A Colourful Pre-Vappu sitsfest. Sitsfest is a dinner party where you dress up according to a theme and sign songs with your friends and have other activities! Vappu is the Finnish Labour Day (May 1st), but we often start celebrating early!
WHEN: On Thursday the 19th at 18:00 (6PM sharp!)
WHY: It’s a big part of Finnish student culture and you should get to experience that before you leave Finland!
HOW MUCH: 16€ with alcohol, 14€ without alcohol. The price includes 2 drinks, 2 shots, a dinner and a free entrance to the after party in Bra.
DRESS CODE: Wear your favorite color. If you have student overalls, you can wear them as the bottom part of your costume.
NOTE: Be on time! You should come 15 minutes early to make sure that we can start on time.
You can come and pay the sitsfest fee during any of the following times:
Wednesday the 11th (12:00-14:00) at our office (MaD238)
Thursday the 12th (12:00-14:00) at our office (MaD238)
Friday the 13th (12:30-14:00) at the university library lobby
One more date next week TBA
Tervetuloa juhlimaan vapun saapumista ESN Jyväskylän ja Yhdistyneiden kieltenlukijoiden kanssa! Aloitellaan juhliminen ajoissa ja tutustutetaan vaihtarit ja muut kv-opiskelijat vappuun sitsejen muodossa. Pukeudu siis suosikkiväriisi ja tule juhlimaan kanssamme torstaina 19.4.!
MITÄ: ESN:n ja YK:n pre-vappusitsit
MILLOIN: Torstaina 19.4. 18:00
MIKSI: Aloitetaan juhliminen ajoissa!
MITÄ MAKSAA?: 16€ alkoholilla, 14€ ilman alkoholia. Hintaan sisältyy 2 juomaa, 2 shottia, ruoka ja sisäänpääsy jatkoille.
TEEMA: Värikäs vappu, eli pukeudu suosikkiväriisi ja halutessasi vapun perinteiden mukaisesti myös haalareihin!
Älkää ilmoittautuko ESN:n lomakkeen kautta. Ilmoittautumisaika päättyy maanantaina 12:00.
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